On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Mikhail Morozov wrote:
I'm trying to translate Marathon on russian language.
But i cannot find working editor for windows. Obed and MapEditorOne (
http://www.pfhorums.com/index.php?showtopic=860) don't work correctly.
Can you help me to make translate?
2009/9/16 Gregory Smith
Unfortunately, Aleph One does not support non-Latin character sets for terminals yet.
You don't need a map editor to edit terminals, by the way. You can use my tool Atque ( sf.net/projects/igniferroque ) to unmerge a map file, which will output the terminals as plain text. You can edit them, and then use the same program to merge them back in.
Without Cyrillic, though, this probably won't help you.
On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Mikhail Morozov wrote:
Yeah, i have translated very small part of text, but in game this text is
not been displayed. I hope that further non-Latin character sets will be
supported in Aleph One.
Thank you.
2009/9/16 Gregory Smith <wolfy@treellama.org>
Ifyou're serious about finishing one of the scenarios (that's a ton ofwork!), I can move it up in the priority list. So far, it's like it ismainly due to lack of interest in other character sets.On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Mikhail Morozov wrote:
Ok. I'll try to finish first scenario.
I send you message when it's done.
И вот уже некоторые результаты:
критикуйте что ли
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